How to cancel Direct Debit Payouts

How to cancel future USD, AUD, CAD or EUR direct debit payouts?

If you want to cancel or stop a recurring USD, AUD, CAD or EUR direct debit payout against your Global Account, please first contact the debiting party directly. You may have to terminate the contract or authorization with the debiting party, or set up alternative ways for future payments. We suggest you consult the debiting party about the consequences of cancelling the direct debit. Airwallex is not able to help you submit cancellation requests.

How to cancel future GBP direct debit payouts?

You can cancel the upcoming GBP direct debit payouts by cancelling the direct debit mandate. 

Step 1: Navigate to the Wallet > Settings page


Step 2: Locate and click on the direct debit mandate you want to cancel


Step 3: Click on Cancel mandate

Step 4: Confirm the cancellation and the mandate will be cancelled

The cancellation may impact the service you registered with this mandate. It’s advisable to tell the recipient about this cancellation to prevent disruptions and penalties. To continue receiving this service, you may also want to switch to another payment method.

If you are cancelling the mandate a few days before the next payment is due, the payment may still go through and you can cancel the transaction separately.


How to cancel a pending GBP direct debit payout?

Your direct debit payout will stay in pending status for a few hours, after Airwallex receives the direct debit instruction and before we confirm the payment. During this time, you can cancel the direct debit payout without impacting your Wallet balance.

Step 1: Navigate to the Global Accounts > Account activity page

Step 2: Locate and click on the pending direct debit transaction


Step 3: Click on Cancel transaction

Step 4: Confirm the cancellation and the transaction will be cancelled

Funds will not be taken from your Wallet balance after the transaction is cancelled. You can also cancel the associated mandate to prevent future payments from being made against your account.

The cancellation may impact the service you registered with this mandate. We recommend telling the recipient of this cancellation to prevent disruptions and penalties.
