QuickBooks Expenses and Bills integration

Follow the instructions below to establish the integration between QuickBooks and Airwallex Expenses and Bills. Please be aware that this connection specifically syncs your expenses and bills data. To connect to your bank feeds to QuickBooks, please refer to our guide here: QuickBooks Bank Feed

Step 1. Navigate to the 'Connections' page located under 'Account' and select the QuickBooks tile

Step 2. Select the QuickBooks 'Expenses and Bills' tile and click 'Get Started

Step 3. You will be asked to select the relevant QuickBooks company and authorise a connection with Airwallex.


Step 4. Once you’ve selected your QuickBooks company, you will need to map your Airwallex wallet currency accounts with corresponding QuickBooks bank accounts. Note you may need to create QuickBooks bank accounts for currencies in which you expect to incur expenses, if these do not already exist.


Step 5. After reviewing and updating your currency connections if needed, you can then review and edit the expenses and bills data that you want to import into Airwallex. This includes your chart of accounts (expense accounts and asset accounts), classes, locations, tax rates, and vendors. You can choose to import all or a subset of the data. For vendors, you can choose to display imported contacts for your cardholders to use when submitting expenses.


Step 6. Once you’ve successfully imported your expense and bills data, you can customise which fields you want your employees to submit for their expenses and bills.
