How do I set up my Xero Online Payments Feed?

Xero Online Payment feeds will post a breakdown of each individual transaction to streamline customers’ reconciliation process. A separate bank account, “Airwallex Online Payments - {CCY}” will be created in Xero for each settlement currency. {CCY} represents the currency you received the money in. Transactions will be synced over upon settlement, with each transaction showing the following details.

  1. Transaction amount
  2. Gateway / Fraud / Payment Method fees

Please follow the steps below to set up Xero Online Payments feed

  1. Log into your Airwallex account.
  2. Go to 'Account' > 'Connections' in the left-hand side menu, select the “Xero” tile under Accounting service. Then, click on “Online Payments Feed”



  3. If you have not enabled Xero Bank Feed, you will be prompted to enable your Xero Bank Feed


  4. If you are not yet logged into Xero, you will be prompted to log in with your Xero credentials.
  5. You will be brought to the Xero authorisation page, select “Allow access.” This allows Airwallex to connect to your Xero account.
  6. Choose the organisation within your Xero account you would like to connect to Airwallex. Make sure that the Xero organisation you select is the same for both Xero Online Payments Feed and Xero Bank Feed.

Note: Xero Online Payments Feed will inherit connected currencies from Xero Bank Feed. To edit your Connected Currencies, please change the settings on your Xero Bank Feed.