How can I approve a bill as a team member?

This guide offers a comprehensive set of instructions outlining the step-by-step process for approving bills as a Team Member on both the web app and mobile. It is important to note that, at present, bill approval functionality is exclusively accessible on iOS, in addition to the ability to approve bills within the Web App.

Approving a bill on web

Step 1: Log in to your Airwallex account and navigate to Bills

Screenshot 18.png

Step 2: Find the list of bills pending your approval

To quickly find the list of bills pending your approval, you can either filter the Bills list for the bill status “Pending your approval” or select “Approve your bills” in the summary tile at the top of the Bills home page.

Screenshot 19.png

Step 3: Review and approve the bill

Click into an individual bill to open the bill and review the submitted invoice and details for the bill.

Screenshot 8.png

You can either approve or reject the bill. If you approve the bill, it will move on to the next approver. If you reject the bill, it will go back to the original submitter to review, edit and resubmit if needed.

Approving a bill on mobile

Step 1: To approve your bills on mobile, navigate to your home page and open your task list

Screenshot 22.jpg

Step 2: Select “Review bills”

Screenshot 20.PNG

Step 3: Tap into each bill to review the bill details and approve

Screenshot 21.PNG                Screenshot 23.PNG