Once a card expense reaches final approval, it will automatically begin the syncing process to Xero. The card expense will be synced to Xero as a spend money transaction; please see below for a description of how each individual value syncs over:
- Receipts: All attachments will be synced to the Xero transaction as a file (see top right in the example Xero transaction below)
- Airwallex Merchant: If an existing contact is selected, this field determines the Xero Contact. If a merchant value is entered in Airwallex that does not exist in Xero, it will sync to a default “Airwallex Expenses” contact to reduce clutter from one-off merchants or accidental duplicate contacts.
- Airwallex description: syncs to Xero description
- Expense category: syncs to Xero chart of account
- Tracking categories (if applicable): sync to the corresponding Xero tracking category fields
- Tax rate: syncs to Xero tax rate
- Comments: syncs to History & Notes
- For employee cards, Cardholder name + last 4 digits of card sync to the Xero Reference field
- For company cards, Card Nickname + last 4 digits of card sync to Xero Reference field
To check the status of the expense sync to Xero, refresh the page. If the expense status is “Synced”, then the expense has completed syncing to Xero. If the expense status is “Sync failed”, then there was an issue that prevented the expense from syncing to Xero.
Important notes:
- Expenses that are still pending when approved will only begin syncing to Xero once the transaction settles.
- Note when importing assets from your chart of accounts to Airwallex, you cannot import accounts that are marked with the “Inventory” asset type in Xero
- Individual comments synced to Xero will be displayed at the bottom of the bank transaction, under History & Notes.