How can I provide order information to increase my payout limit when making local CNY transfers to mainland China using online B2B order declaration

In accordance with local regulations, it is mandatory to provide corresponding sales order information for cross-border declaration when making payments to specific countries/regions. Airwallex offers a convenient solution to facilitate this declaration process prior to your transactions. Please also refer to our article for more information on why you need to provide this information: Providing CNY Inbound Declarant information

By navigating to Account > Declaration Center on the left hand side menu of your webapp, you can access and view your payout limit for conducting local CNY payments. This limit signifies the cumulative value of the order information you have submitted and serves as the maximum threshold for CNY Local transfers that can be initiated from your Airwallex account.

CNY Local.png

If you require an increase in this limit, there are two methods available for providing sales order information.

increase CNY local.png

Method 1: Connect to your online store

You have the option to grant Airwallex permission to retrieve order information from your seller account on major ecommerce marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, Shopify, Lazada, and Fnac. Once you have provided authorisation, any order information generated by your store will be automatically included in your order quota for declaration. For detailed instructions on how to link a global account to a marketplace, please refer to our article: Linking a Global Account to a Marketplace

Method 2: Upload sales order information

Step 1. Please download and complete Airwallex's order information template available for download within the webapp with detailed instructions for your convenience.

CNY order data.png

Screen_Shot_2021-09-29_at_9.11.30_am.pngStep 2. Read the directions in the template and fill in the correct information

CNY template.png

Step 3. Click 'Choose File' to upload your completed file, and view validation results.

If some of your orders fail validation, please download the invalid order information file to see the errors. Error reasons are summarised in column titled 'item_error' on the far right.

CNY failure.png

Please update your order information based on the error reason, or simply delete orders with errors. Once ready, please click 'Choose file' again to upload.



  • The returned template will include all orders you have uploaded, but those with errors are sorted to appear at the top
  • We recommend you to delete the 'item_error' column before each re-upload. If further errors are identified, we will add a new 'item_error' column

Step 4. When you see the below screen, your orders have passed validation. Please click 'Submit' to upload the information and increase your Order Quota.


When uploading your file, please ensure that the date is one of our supported formats. If the format stored in your system cannot be adjusted into one of our supported formats, please contact our Support team here


  • yyyy-MM-dd
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss

Other supported formats

  • yy M d
  • yy MM d
  • yy M dd
  • yy MM dd
  • yy-M-d
  • yy-MM-d
  • yy-M-dd
  • yy-MM-dd
  • yyyy M d
  • yyyy MM d
  • yyyy M dd
  • yyyy MM dd
  • yyyy-M-d
  • yyyy-MM-d
  • yyyy-M-dd
  • yyyy-MM-dd
  • yyyy/M/d
  • yyyy/MM/d
  • yyyy/M/dd
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • yyyy.M.d
  • yyyy.MM.d
  • yyyy.M.dd
  • yyyy.MM.dd 
  • yyyy/MMM/d
  • yyyy/MMM/dd
  • yyyy-MMM-d
  • yyyy-MMM-dd
  • yyyy年M月d日
  • yyyy年MM月d日
  • yyyy年M月dd日
  • yyyy年MM月dd日
  • yyyy-M-d HH:mm
  • yyyy-MM-d HH:mm
  • yyyy-M-dd HH:mm
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
  • yyyy/M/d HH:mm
  • yyyy/MM/d HH:mm
  • yyyy/M/dd HH:mm
  • yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm
  • yyyy.M.d HH:mm
  • yyyy.MM.d HH:mm
  • yyyy.M.dd HH:mm
  • yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm
  • yyyy-M-d HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy-MM-d HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy-M-dd HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy/MM/d HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy/M/dd HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy.M.d HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy.MM.d HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy.M.dd HH:mm:ss
  • yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss
  • MMM d, yyyy hh:mm:ss aa zzz
  • MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss aa zzz
  • MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz
  • MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz
  • EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz
  • EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz
  • yyyy-MMM-d HH:mm:ss.s
  • yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss.s
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssX
  • yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX