How do I create a batch transfer?

When should I use Batch Transfers?

If you oversee payments for a global company, handling payroll for hundreds, vendor invoices, and departmental reconciliations, our Batch Transfers feature can take your productivity to the next level. Instead of handling each payment individually, you can compile them into one batch. This means initiating multiple transactions at once, saving time and ensuring accuracy. Whether it's vendors, recurring payments, or a massive payroll, this feature streamlines your processes and reduces errors.

How do I create a batch transfer file?

After logging in, you can navigate to Transfers. Enter the Batch transfer creation flow by clicking on the “Create transfers” button, and then choosing “Batch transfers”. 

If you do not have a batch transfer file, you can generate a batch transfer template to create your batch transfer file.

If you already have a batch transfer file created based on the previous version of the template, you can continue to use it.

If you are an Australian customer, Batch transfers also support ABA (Australian Banking Association) files, which you can upload directly. 


How do I handle the invalid transfers after upload?

After you upload the batch transfer file, Airwallex will perform validation on all the transfers in it. If one or more transfers fail validation, we will inform you of the result, and you can:

  1. Review the invalid transfers by downloading the validation result file. 
  2. If you decide to fix the invalid transfers on the spot, click “Cancel and re-upload” to start over with your updated batch transfer file.
  3. If you decide to proceed first with only the valid transfers, click “Proceed without invalid transfers”. After the submission, you can still access the invalid ones through the validation result file that can be found under the Timeline in batch transfer details

How do I handle batch transfers that are “partially booked” or “failed to book”?

In rare circumstances, batch transfers could fail to book (e.g. wallet balance is consumed from elsewhere immediately after you create or approve a batch transfer), or be partially booked (e.g. underlying orders for China CNY Local transfer limit fails to match certain transfers). You can access the transfers that are not booked by downloading a  details file from the error banner shown on the batch transfer details page. You may create another batch transfer with this file.