How to find your NetSuite account details to authorise your account for the Expenses and Bills integration

Installing the bundle

1. Login to your Netsuite account and navigate to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.


2. To search for the Airwallex Bank Feeds bundle, input 485421 and click Search.Screenshot

3. Click the Airwallex Expense link.Screenshot

4. In the bundle installation page, click Install.Screenshot

5. Installation is completed once the status displays a check iconScreenshot

Consumer key and secret:

1. Create an employee record by going to Lists > Employees > Employees > New.Screenshot

2. In the Employee page, populate the required fields (name, email, subsidiary, etc.) and scroll down to the Access subtab. Tick Give Access and add the Airwallex Expense Integration Role. Click Save.Screenshot

3. Navigate to Setup > Integration > Manage Integrations > New. You will only need to check Token-Based Authentication. Once saved, the consumer key and secret will be displayed.Screenshot



- Consumer key and Consumer secret are only available during the initial set-upScreenshot

- Client has to save the keys in a password protected document – please copy and paste the text as opposed to saving a screenshot.


Access token and secret:

1. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens > New.Screenshot

2. Enter the following. Once saved, the token id and secret will be displayed.
- Application name = choose the application created in the previous step
- User = choose the employee record created from step 1
- Role = Airwallex Expense Integration Role
- Token name = keep as it is



- Token ID and Token secret are only available during the initial set-upScreenshot

- Client has to save the keys in a password protected document – please copy and paste the text as opposed to saving a screenshot.


Script ID:

1. To get the REST Endpoint URL, go to Setup > Integration > Airwallex Expense Integration


2. The script ID is included included in the URL



Account ID:

1. You can source the Account ID in your URL, or in the Rest Endpoint URLScreenshot