How Bills sync to Xero

Bills currently sync to Xero at multiple points in the workflow:

  1. After the bill receives final approval and the status transitions to “Awaiting payment”
  2. Whenever a transfer payment is created for the “Awaiting payment” bill
  3. Whenever the status updates on a previously created transfer payment

Screenshot 15.png

After the bill receives final approval and the status transitions to “Awaiting payment”, the bill is synced to Xero as a bill with the status “Awaiting payment”. All bill details, including the attached invoice, will be populated in the synced bill in Xero.

  1. Bill description: This field syncs to the Xero line item Description field
  2. Vendor: This field syncs to the Xero Contact field
  3. Invoice date: This field syncs to the Xero Date field
  4. Due date: This field syncs to the Xero Due Date field
  5. Invoice number: This field syncs to the Xero Reference field
  6. Line item description: This field syncs to the Xero line item Description field
  7. Price: This field syncs to the Xero Unit Price field
  8. Quantity: This field syncs to the Xero Quantity field
  9. Category: This field syncs to the Xero Account field
  10. Tax: This field syncs to the Xero Tax Rate field
  11. Tracking categories: These fields sync to the corresponding Xero tracking category fields
  12. Comments: This field syncs to the Xero History & Notes section as a note
  13. Invoice attachments: Any invoice attachments will be attached to the Xero bill as a file

The selected bill currency and tax inclusive vs exclusive selector are used to calculate the bill subtotals, totals, and currency.

If an existing Xero contact is selected in the Vendor field, the bill will be synced to Xero under the selected Xero contact. If a new value is entered in the Vendor field that does not yet exist in Xero as a contact, a new contact will be created in Xero when the bill syncs to Xero.

Payment information is synced to Xero whenever a transfer payment is created for the “Awaiting payment” bill (regardless of whether the payment is a full or partial payment) and whenever a previously created transfer payment’s status updates.