Sales order

Airwallex supports making local transfers to mainland China so that you can bring your overseas sales proceeds in.

In accordance with local regulations, it is mandatory to provide corresponding sales order information for cross-border declaration when making payments to specific countries/regions. Airwallex offers a convenient solution to facilitate this declaration process prior to your transactions. 

What is a Sales Order?

A sales order is a document used by merchants to record a customer's request to purchase products from the merchant company. It is a crucial step in the sales process, helping to ensure the accuracy and traceability of order processing.

Providing Sales Orders to increase Transfer limit

When you choose to make transfers to China using local transfer methods, you need to provide the corresponding sales orders to obtain the transfer limit.

Currently, Airwallex supports three types of order declaration for China Local transfer method: online B2C trade, online B2B trade, and offline B2B trade. Your account can only be configured for one of these three modes. The default configuration for your account is online B2C trade, but you can contact your account manager to change your account configuration.

  • When your account is configured for online B2C trade, you need to authorize Airwallex to periodically and automatically obtain the sales orders generated on your associated B2C e-commerce platform to increase the transfer limit. How to increase the transfer limit
  • When your account is configured for online B2B trade, you need to authorize Airwallex to periodically and automatically obtain the sales orders generated on your associated B2B e-commerce platform to increase the transfer limit. How to increase the transfer limit
  • When your account is configured for offline B2B trade, you need to match the orders to your incoming transactions to increase the transfer limit. Certain limitations are applied when transferring with this type of declaration (Click here for details). How to increase the transfer limit