Overview of Airwallex Expense Management

Airwallex Expense Management is a tool to manage your corporate card expenses and reimbursements in one place and gain real-time visibility and control over employee spending, globally.

There are two products in our Expense Management suite: Card Expenses and Reimbursements.

  • Card Expenses serves employees with Airwallex Borderless Cards whereas
  • Reimbursements is for out-of-pocket employee expenses.

With both products, employees submit receipts and expense information directly in the product for admins to review and approve. Once approved, all expense information, including receipts, gets synced into your company’s accounting system.

What types of transactions are currently supported by Expenses?

Airwallex’s Card Expenses product supports all card transactions made on company cards and employee cards that are issued by Airwallex.

Airwallex’s Reimbursements product supports reimbursing employees using our global payment network.

What accounting integrations are currently supported by Airwallex Expenses?

We currently support an integration with Xero, QuickBooks* and Netsuite. Integrations with additional accounting providers are in progress.

If you do not use an accounting software that Airwallex integrates with, you can still use our Custom Accounting Categories feature to upload and maintain accounting data.

(*) QuickBooks is currently unsupported for our reimbursements product, but will be added in 2024

Other articles in this section

Card Expenses Reimbursements
How to set up Expenses as an admin Overview of Airwallex Reimbursements
Admin Guide: Approving card expenses An admin's guide to paying reimbursement report(s)
Admin Guide: Deactivating Expenses Definition of reimbursement report statuses
Card Expenses Pricing How reimbursements sync to Xero
Requirements to submit a card expense How reimbursements sync to Netsuite
Definition of card expense statuses How to add and manage reimbursement bank details
How do I remove card expenses that I don’t want to process through Airwallex? How can I submit a reimbursement report as a team member on the web app
How Card Expenses Sync to Xero How can I submit a reimbursement report as a team member on the mobile app
Using Card Expenses on your mobile device How can I approve reimbursements as a team member on the web app
Team Member Guide: Submitting a card expense How can I approve reimbursements as a team member on the mobile app
Are notifications available for Card Expenses?